• bike in the forest

    Hi there!

    Keep up to date with all things Alice

  • pretty bridge on the route up kinder scout, peak district

    Adventures blog

    Hiking and biking and where (oh my!)

  • snapshot from a quantum chemistry simulation: phenol in water


    Projects and bibliography


My website serves as a way to showcase my research work and coding projects as well as photos and experiences from my trips out. I look forward to updating with posts on what I've been up to and I hope you enjoy reading!

My website is currently in progress, so please excuse a lack of content. If you have any issues using the website, please get in touch.

me in sheffield tap, cheers!

About me

It's nice to meet you!

Head on over to the About page to get in contact or learn a little more about me :)

photo of ladybower reservoir


A blog of sorts

Some nice snaps, stories and useful information on what to do - or not to do!

close-up photo of liquid microject apparatus

Scientific research

Studying the electronic structure of biologically-relevant chromophores using photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum chemistry calculations