Alice's adventures!  

Read about my recent trips - usually solo hiking or cycling trips in the UK or France. There will be photos, maps and helpful suggestions for those looking to do something similar. If you have any questions, please find my contact info at the bottom of the page. Thanks :)

I'm currently backdating posts to build up the blog and share more stories. Photos will vary in quality from trip to trip depending on what camera I brought (if any!) Please let me know if you have any technical difficulties using the site.

Writing up en France

image for post Writing up en France

Writing up my PhD thesis would never be a fun task for me but to ease off the pain I have relocated to the calm, quiet atmosphere of Limousin, France for 2 months to try and get it done peacefully. I packed up my flat in London and moved myself, my things and my bike up and took a plane to Limoges. I am tremendously thankful to the wonderful Paul and Caroline (masterminds behind Le Jardin Créatif) who very kindly agreed to put me up. Coincidentally, it’s the same place I cycled toured to in 2016.

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Trying out night sky photography

image for post Trying out night sky photography

Besides the odd attempt to snap the moon, I’ve not really tried photographing the night sky. However, I am a sucker for those photos with star trails in the distance and a lit up tent in the foreground. Hence, I must learn!

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